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Monthly Maintenance cost of Jezza E-rickshaw in India

Maintenance cost of E-rickshaw

Thinking about buying an e-rickshaw but not sure how much you have to spend to maintain it? Don’t worry this blog will answer all those questions.

The maintenance cost of an e-rickshaw depends on its battery and other parts. A new e-rickshaw costs around Rs. 1,00,000 to 1,50,000. The initial cost of an e-rickshaw is much higher than that of a petrol rickshaw, which costs around Rs. 80,000 to 90,000. However, the maintenance cost of an e-rickshaw is much less than that of a petrol rickshaw.

The cost of maintaining an e-rickshaw includes the cost of replacing batteries every few years and repairing damaged or worn-out parts such as tyres and the bodywork. You can also get it serviced regularly by a qualified mechanic to keep it in good condition.


There are a few factors that can affect the cost of maintenance for an e-rickshaw.

Battery: The battery is what powers your rickshaw, so it’s important to keep it in good condition. Batteries will need to be replaced or recharged every few years, depending on how much use they get. This can vary from two years to six years, depending on usage (more frequent use will require more frequent replacement). If you have multiple batteries, you may be able to swap them out and save yourself some money by not having to replace them all at once.

Tires: As with any vehicle, tires need to be replaced periodically in order to ensure safety and efficiency—and e-rickshaws are no different! Tires should be replaced every 2-3 years if they’re used daily and not abused (e.g., driven off-road or over curbs). If they’re used less frequently or only occasionally abused, they could last longer than 3 years before needing replacement.

Finally, Brakes: Brakes may need some attention from time to time as well. Brakes should be checked monthly or bi-monthly depending on usage and condition of brake pads/shoes

Monthly maintenance costs range from Rs.1500 to Rs.1800 excluding the cost of consumables.

Maintenance costs are the cost of periodical repairing and servicing, including the costs of consumable items like brake shoes, battery, tyres, etc. The cost of periodical maintenance and servicing was found to mostly be in the range of Rs.1500 – Rs.1800 per month excluding the cost of batteries and tyres.

It was found that 64% of the respondents in India have a monthly maintenance cost between Rs.1000 to Rs.1500. While 24% have a cost of more than Rs.1500 per month, the rest 12% have maintenance costs of below Rs.1000

Better road conditions can bring down the maintenance costs significantly


Maintenance costs of the e-rickshaws operating in the main city are almost equal to that of the e-rickshaws operating in towns and villages. But as seen earlier, the e-rickshaws operating in the hilly area tend to use higher motor power vehicles more often than the e-rickshaws in the main city, and ideally, the maintenance cost should be lower in the main city.

But due to the congested roads in the main city, the longevity of consumable items like brake shoes is much lower. From this fact, it can be safely concluded that the maintenance costs can be brought down if road conditions in the city are improved. In fact, the daily running costs can also be brought down.



The cost of maintaining an e-rickshaw includes the cost of replacing batteries every few years and repairing damaged or worn-out parts such as tires and bodywork. You can also get it serviced regularly by a qualified mechanic to keep it in good condition. If you are planning to buy an E -rickshaw then definitely check out Jezza motor and buy the best in class E-rickshaw in India.

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