Electric Rickshaw & Spare Parts Manufacturer enquiry@jezzamotors.com

Jezza Motors – One of the best e-rickshaw manufacturers in Bihar!

For the past few decades, with the rapid depletion of fossil fuels and other non-renewable resources, the price of vehicle fuels has been escalating rapidly. Moreover, with an alarming rise in aerobic toxic levels across the world, it is time to switch to safer alternatives that do not emit toxic fumes while combustion. Hence, to ensure the cost of our vehicle does not burn a hole in the pockets of our clients while using rechargeable fuel alternatives for zero pollutant emission, we at Jezza Motors have put together our R&D unit and combined our efforts to bring forward our latest-product – fully battery operated e rickshaw in Bihar. 

Also, not only has our initiative proven to be a huge success but also has garnered widespread praises, especially in Bihar, where we are being regarded as one of the finest e-rickshaw manufacturers!

best electric rickshaw manufacturers in Bihar!

A careful concern for today shall save the fate of our future

Usually, when we talk about vehicles, we refer to the means of transport of passengers. But in our urban society, not only the transportation of humans but also the shipment and delivery of every other material has been conducted by automated vehicles. Be it a passenger commodity, or a shipment vehicle, or a simple trash collector, if every single vehicle irrespective of its functionality, keeps on using fossil fuel then the day is not far enough when people will have to mortgage their properties to afford a litre of fossil fuel. Hence to reduce the emission of pollutants by a significant scale, it is crucial to implement eco-friendly mechanisms is every mode of the automobile. Hence, we at Jezza Motors have implemented our electric refueling cells to every category of a battery-operated rickshaw in Bihar, ranging from passenger transportations to our cargo vehicle, to our garbage collector.

Ensure a cleaner environment at a reasonable rate

We have ensured that our electric rickshaw shall be a gateway to a cleaner environment while maintaining economic feasibility. Hence, we have and always will keep in mind about keeping our product prices as reasonable as possible. With our world-class safety features along with efficient engine performance and durability, our electric rickshaw in Bihar is worth every penny you’ve spent on them. From reflector headlights to fast-charging equipment, from fire safety countermeasures to spare wheels, every aspect essential for a quality vehicle is inclusive in our automobiles at Jezza Motors, along with a handsome warranty period.

We look forward to work with worthy clients like you, who not only wish to have a vehicle worth its money but also share a concern about our ecology – the ideal trait of a true citizen. So let’s work together and pave the way to a cleaner, safer environment at a reduced price!

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